
Friday, September 9, 2011

Soft Addiction ?? Haiku - 18

 A Facebook game I am addicted to..  ;p
 Those hidden pleasures /
Surfacing at odd junctures /
Yearn for a bit more //

For the Height Of Haiku Challenge
 Added To Haiku Heights

17 Musings:

Gemma Wiseman said...

Yes! There is a longing for more of pleasures that seem to give happiness to the senses!

knot2share said...

Another version of Farmville???

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Wonderful use of the prompt. I do so enjoy your poems Nicely done..

Uma Anandane said...

True! Beautifully penned one

Susie Clevenger said...

Yes they do...great write

Nanka said...

Like this yearning a never ending one :D

andy sewina said...

Nicely! And tthe more they get the more they want, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done.
Nothing like a bit of yearning for those hidden and often forbidden pleasures.

Cheryl said...

Soft addiction is an apt title for this great haiku!

Maude Lynn said...

I know exactly what you mean!

Vinay Leo R. said...

I was once addicted to Farmville. Very much addicted!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, yes, just a little more!

Some Yearning Here

Anonymous said...

Ha facebook game? I totally understand the addiction to those hidden objects games!

dsnake1 said...

haha, i can understand that. :D

well said!

Lydia Kang said...

Love the Haiku!
I'm addicted to a FB game too, Mousehunt. Such a time suck, LOL

Tomz said...

Is it that virtual farming game..farmville?

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Like this very much. Nice Haiku.
