
Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Journey

Let me go..
Let me find my own road
Every journey begins with a desire,
To see, to feel, to touch the world
With all we possess.

Let me go...
Let me find the fork I need to take.
Everyone needs a marker
To say they passed this way..
Let me be the marker
Of my own new way

Each and every soul has a story to unravel,
A journey to commence,
Some need a guiding light,
Others a glance that propels them ahead,
And then there are those that need
To see the destination from afar.

And through all this only the wise realise,
whatever be the end, or the middle
The beginning is all that matters.... 

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 19.

13 Musings:

T F Carthick said...

Wow. Beautiful picture and nice philosophical poem.The picture just draws you into the poem.

Someone is Special said...

of course whatever be the end or the middle it is the beginning that matters.. wonderful poetry on the theme journey.. loved it.. mine is a dream a journey of...

Someone is Special

Bikram said...

OH my .. Funny how my post is also on something like that .. it is going back HOME.. and you talking of making your own way :)



Aditya Nandode said...

Beginning is all that matters.......

m7 said...

oh! lovely poem! :)

Miss D said...

Please do change the font. It was difficult to read.

Life is about taking your own decisions, that shouldn't falter because of anything else.

All the best!

D2 said...

It's the beginning of every journey and the path that we take that make us who are and show how we deal with everything in life. It's called growing up.
Excellent portrayal of that very aspect of life.

All the best for BAT.

Vinay Leo R. said...

inspiring, thought provoking, philosophical.. I don't know how to commend you for this piece :) loved it. thanks for sharing!

Here's My Blog-a-Ton Journey

Neeraja said...

whatever be the end, or the middle
The beginning is all that matters.

So inspiring. Keep writing.
All the best for BAT!

Rek Sesh said...

@ Fool My First visitor from BAT and loved your comments.

@SIS Thanks for your praise.

@Adit glad to see you around

@M7 thanks. :)

@Enchanta I changed the font., thanks for letting me know, your words and wishes.

@D2 Glad to hear your views on my take. we never cease growing and thanks for your wishes.

@Vinay thanks for your kind words, its encouraging.

@Neeraja thanks for your kind words and wishes.

Sureindran said...

Wow! A very nice poem, well written. Keep writing!


Cherry Blossom said...

Concise and inspirational, good choice of words and framed appropriately. Beautiful take on the topic. All the best.

Yamini Meduri said...

nice beautiful poem..!!!

All the best for BAT..!!!

Heres mine..!!

Yamini Meduri - Journey