
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teach Me Patience - Haiku - 19

 To write from your heart /
Speaking to those that bother /
Blogging year celebration //

I started both my blogs today, a year get certain relationship demons  off my mind and get emotions of anger and helplessness off my get back to something I had always loved - writing, prose more than poetry... its been a journey of discovery, friendship and creativity so far...hope to continue and maybe, come up with better  words next time around. 

For The height Of Haiku Challenge
Added To Haiku Heights

 To write from your heart /
Speaking to those that bother /
Blog year celebrate //

9 Musings:

knot2share said...

Congratulations! And what is wrong with the words you long as they come from your heart. Keep it going..

dsnake1 said...

yes, to "write from your heart", and with a dose of patience.

i think you are doing well with your writing. and congrats on your blog's anniversary. :)

Uma Anandane said...

Beautiful! Congrats on your blog anniversary :)

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Happy Blog's Anniversay. Your words and thoughts are lovely. It does not matter that it is not a Haiku of 5-7-5. It is beautiful.Keep writing from your heart.


Susie Clevenger said...

Lovely thoughts and I am sure there are many who are not bothered but elated to read your writings...happy blogaversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-Versary!! A milestone worthy of all the patience mustered to create each entry's composition!!

Traci B said...

Happy anniversary! Your poem expresses a truth for all writers; whatever other reasons we have to write, a primary one is that we have something to say.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Rek Sesh said...

@thanks everyone for the comments and wishes...
@Melanie its a modern haiku which doesn't follow the rules strictly...I hoped to get away with it for today...
have added a 5-7-5 for you.