
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Second Thoughts

Well, where do I many things happening around....more, more difficult to keep track....Tsunamis, bomb hoaxes, corruption, scams, accidents, endless list of negatives.

And then there is this blog. There are so many Random blogs floating around that make me wish I had thought of a better name....but hey, that's what my stuff is all about....random in tandem...

What is random ? Anything and everything or patterned randomness....the blogsphere of randomness makes me think, 'Is this some kind of cult or a forum of its own?
Random is no longer what it is structured into templates and has lost its original form ......

So, do I morn the loss of Randomness , nurse my lost Soul and Muse in isolation.....
Can't make sense of the words crawling here, hope you can.....

0 Musings: